
International website on speech sound disorders (in bilingual children)

Position paper Multilingual children with speech sound disorders

Intelligibility in Context Scale

Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Spracherwerbsforschung und kindliche Sprachstörungen im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V./ Society for interdisciplinary research in speech and language development and childhood speech and language disorders in German speaking countries e.V.

Deutscher Bundesverband für Logopädie e.V. /German body of SLT

 Deutscher Bundesverband für akademischer Sprachtherapie und Logopädie e.V. /German body of academic language therapy and Logopedics

 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Position statement of the ASHA: CAS

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

What works

The Communication Trust has worked with the Better Communication Research Programme to develop the What Works database of evidenced interventions to support children's speech, language and communication. What Works is endorsed by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.

This site aims to be a resource for speech and language therapy professionals who wish to deliver therapy in the medium of mother tongue / home language. This may be a language which you do not share with your client. Bilingual resources, skills working with co-workers and interpreters and basic concepts are discussed to help you identify disorder from diversity.

The international clinical phonetics and linguistics association

ICPLA is an international organization that aims to stimulate the application of linguistics and phonetics to the study of disordered speech and language. The International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association is a non-profit-making international organization devoted to the study of phonetics and linguistics in relation to disordered speech and language. Specifically its mission is to:

  • Stimulate thought and research in the area already delineated.
  • Facilitate interaction and communication between researchers and clinicians.
  • Organise regular meetings/conferences both nationally and internationally on relevant topics in clinical phonetics and linguistics.

 Talk Bank

TalkBank is a project organized by Brian MacWhinney at Carnegie Mellon University with the support and cooperation of hundreds of contributors and dozens of collaborators.  The goal of TalkBank is to foster fundamental research in the study of human communication with an emphasis on spoken communication. Currently, TalkBank provides repositories in 14 research areas, as represented by the links on this page. Data in TalkBank have been contributed by hundreds of researchers working in over 34 languages internationally who are committed to principles of open data-sharing.  These data are used by thousands of researchers resulting in many thousands of published articles. Data in TalkBank use a consistent XML-compatible representation called CHAT which facilitates automatic analysis and searching, using open-source and free programs we have developed.